Learn the ins and outs of common bird species you are likely to see in your backyard and near your home.
If Cardinals are your favorite bird species to feed and watch, you are not alone! Their bright red plumage draws the attention of bird watchers worldwide.
While not a fan favorite, crows still deserve some love, right? Viewed by many as a pest and invasive species, this cunning bird can be found just about anywhere.
Falcons are one of the common birds of prey you are likely to spot soaring high above. Not to be confused with hawks, which have distinct characteristics as you'll find out below.
Known for being cute little songbirds, finches are widespread with multiple finch species found in each state.
Hawks are a formidable predator known for their intelligence. Get the scoop on hawk species in your state.
Loved by many, hummingbirds require a different diet from your typical bird food. Although viewed as being cute, they are very territorial and aggressive flyers.
Owls are an interesting, nocturnal bird species known for their hooting vocals.
Sparrows are a widespread and social bird species that live together in large colonies.
Starlings are known for being aggressive and for causing large-scale agricultural destruction. You won't need to try hard to attract them as they the type of bird to invite themselves to the party!
Knock, knock, who's there? Probably a woodpecker! These birds tend to have bright-colored plumage on their head and multiple species are found in most states.