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Black Bird With Yellow Beak: 11 Species You Must Know 

black bird with yellow beaks - featured image

Prepare to be mesmerized by nature's vibrant masterpiece—the striking combination of black birds with brilliant yellow beaks. 

As we embark on this ornithological journey, let your imagination take flight. Picture the elegant dance of sleek dark feathers intertwined with the vivid allure of a dazzling yellow beak, capturing the essence of contrast and intrigue. 

From dense forests to serene wetlands, these remarkable avian creatures thrive in diverse ecosystems, their stunning plumage standing out like strokes of an artist's brush. 

Get ready to uncover the different species of black bird with yellow beak, where nature's creativity unfolds in breathtaking displays.

11 Species of Black Birds With Yellow Beaks 

1. Yellow-billed Chough (Pyrrhocorax graculus) 

Yellow-billed Chough

The yellow-billed chough is a charismatic creature primarily found in mountainous regions throughout Europe, including the Alps, Pyrenees, and parts of the Mediterranean. It thrives in rugged and rocky habitats, often nesting in crevices and cliff ledges.

A member of the crow family, these birds are highly social creatures, forming tight-knit groups known as flocks. 

The diet of a yellow-billed chough mainly consists of insects, seeds, and small vertebrates. Using its sharp beak, it skillfully probes and searches for food in the nooks and crannies of its habitat. 

They effortlessly navigate through the air, performing graceful aerial displays and demonstrating their agility with impressive maneuvers. Their calls, ranging from musical whistles to distinctive rasping sounds, contribute to their charismatic presence.

2. Yellow-Legged Thrush (Turdus flavipes)

Yellow-Legged Thrush

Endemic to specific regions, the Yellow-legged Thrush thrives in habitats such as montane and cloud forests in parts of Central and South America. 

Its yellow legs contrast beautifully with its dark plumage, creating a striking visual impression.

These birds are skilled songsters, with their melodious calls echoing through the dense vegetation of their chosen habitats.

In terms of size, the Yellow-legged Thrush measures around 23-25 centimeters in length, with a slightly curved beak adapted for its omnivorous diet. It feeds on a variety of food sources, including insects, fruits, berries, and occasionally small reptiles or amphibians.

3. European Starling (Sturnus vulgaris) 

European Starling

With its compact and stocky build, the European starling showcases iridescent black feathers that shimmer with hues of green and purple in the sunlight.

Originally native to Europe, the European Starling has been introduced to other parts of the world, including North America and Australia. 

Known for their remarkable vocal abilities, European Starlings are talented mimics, capable of imitating a wide range of sounds, including human speech, other bird calls, and even mechanical noises. 

European Starlings are opportunistic omnivores, feeding on a diverse array of food sources. Their diet includes insects, fruits, seeds, and even small vertebrates. They forage both on the ground and in trees, using their sharp beaks to probe and extract their meals.

4. Common Blackbird (Turdus merula) 

Common Blackbird

Despite its name, the common blackbird is anything but ordinary. This iconic bird, with its jet-black feathers and distinctive sun-hued beak, graces gardens, parks, and woodlands across its extensive range.

Known for its melodious and evocative song, the Common Blackbird is a beloved songbird in many cultures. The male's enchanting and varied repertoire of notes and phrases can fill the air during the breeding season, marking its territory and attracting a mate.

The Common Blackbird is a highly adaptable species, found in diverse habitats ranging from urban parks to woodlands and gardens. 

5. Yellow-rumped Cacique (Cacicus cela) 

Yellow-rumped Cacique

Next on our list of black birds with yellow beaks is the yellow-rumped cacique, found in parts of Central and South America.

The male displays a black head and upper body, while the female exhibits a more muted combination of gray and black. Both genders feature a bright yellow rump, which gives the bird its name.

These caciques are known for their highly social nature, often forming large, noisy colonies. They construct intricate, hanging nests from plant fibers, creating remarkable woven structures suspended from tree branches. 

The Yellow-rumped Cacique is not only visually striking but also possesses a unique vocal repertoire. Their vocalizations consist of a variety of whistles, chatters, and croaks, which they use for communication within their colony and during courtship displays.

6. Black Thrush (Turdus infuscatus) 

Black Thrush

Endemic to the forests and woodlands of Central America, the Black Thrush inhabits diverse habitats such as tropical rainforests. Its adaptability allows it to thrive in both lowland areas and higher elevations, making it versatile and resilient.

The black plumage of the Black Thrush serves as excellent camouflage amidst the dense foliage of its habitat. It allows the bird to blend seamlessly into the shadows, enhancing its chances of locating food and avoiding predators.

The vocalizations of black thrushes vary from soft and flute-like calls to more complex and melodious tunes, contributing to the vibrant symphony of the avian world.

7. Double-crested Cormorant (Phalacrocorax auritus) 

Double-crested Cormoran

Another addition to our rundown of black birds with yellow beaks is one that captures attention with its distinctive appearance and fascinating behaviors. This aquatic species is known for its sleek black plumage, striking double crest of feathers on its head, and vibrant turquoise eyes.

Found in various regions of South America, including coastal areas, lakes, and rivers, the Double-crested Cormorant is highly adapted to an aquatic lifestyle. 

These bird species are expert fishers, using their sharp yellow beaks to capture fish and other small aquatic creatures. 

After a successful dive, double-crested cormorants emerge from the water with their wings outstretched, a behavior known as "wing drying." This process helps them dry their feathers, as they lack the waterproofing oils found in the feathers of many other waterfowl.

8. Yellow-billed Magpie (Pica nuttalli)

Yellow-billed Magpie

This unique species is found exclusively in California's Central Valley and a small portion of western Nevada, making it a true gem of the region. It catches the eye with its sleek black plumage and striking yellow bill.

A part of the crow family, these black birds with yellow beaks are highly social birds, often seen in small family groups or larger flocks. 

They are known for their acrobatic flight displays, swooping and diving through the air with agility and grace.

Nesting is a communal affair for Yellow-billed Magpies, with multiple pairs collaborating to build large nests made of twigs and branches. These nests are often located in dense trees or shrubs and can be used by multiple generations over time.

9. Yellow-Throated Toucan (Ramphastos ambiguus)

Yellow-Throated Toucan

Joining our list of black birds with yellow beak is the Yellow-throated Toucan, known for its large, colorful bright yellow bill with shades of orange, and black. Its beak is an essential tool for foraging, reaching, and plucking fruits from trees, as well as capturing insects and small prey.

The yellow-throated toucan has black plumage with a bright yellow throat and chest, which gives it its distinct name. It also has bold white stripes on its face and a reddish under-tail.

As with many bird species in tropical regions, Yellow-throated Toucans face various threats, including habitat loss and fragmentation. Conservation efforts are essential to protect its natural habitats and ensure its survival.

10. Steller's Sea Eagle (Haliaeetus pelagicus)

Steller's Sea Eagle

Named after the German naturalist Georg Wilhelm Steller, who first described the species, this majestic eagle commands attention with its magnificent size and striking appearance.

The Steller's Sea Eagle is one of the largest and heaviest eagles in the world. 

It has a predominantly dark brown plumage, complemented by a contrasting white head, neck, and tail. The distinctive bright yellow beak and piercing eyes further contribute to its commanding presence.

As its name suggests, the Steller's Sea Eagle is primarily found along the coastal areas of northeastern Asia, including Russia, Japan, and parts of Korea. 

This black bird with yellow beak is well-adapted to its marine environment and often hunts for fish, squid, and other marine creatures, using its powerful talons and sharp beak to secure its prey.

11. Hill Myna (Gracula religiosa)

Hill Myna

Renowned for its remarkable vocal abilities and striking appearance, the Hill Myna has become a beloved pet and a subject of fascination among bird enthusiasts.

The Hill Myna possesses glossy black feathers, bright orange-yellow eye patches, and vibrant yellow beaks and legs. Its sleek appearance, coupled with its expressive eyes and vivid coloration, make it a visually captivating bird.

One of the most remarkable features of these black birds with yellow beaks is their ability to mimic sounds and human speech with incredible accuracy. This avian mimicry has earned it a reputation as a talented "talking bird." 

With its impressive vocal range and clarity, the Hill Myna can replicate various sounds, from phone rings to whistles and even human words and phrases.


Black birds with yellow beaks encompass a diverse group of avian species that captivate with their striking appearance and unique characteristics. 

From the majestic Yellow-billed Chough and European Starling to the melodic Common Blackbird and Yellow-billed Magpie, these birds showcase the beauty and diversity of nature. 

With their vibrant beaks, these feathered creatures leave a lasting impression, whether in the depths of forests, soaring above coastal waters, or perched on tree branches.

Frequently Asked Questions 

What is a skinny black bird with a yellow beak? 

The yellow-billed magpie is a small black bird with a noticeable bright yellow beak. Despite being a small bird, the color of its beak makes it easy to spot. 

What is a black crow-like bird with a yellow beak? 

The yellow-billed chough, also known as an alpine chough, is a crow with a yellow beak. It stands out with its glossy black plumage, long curved yellow beak, and bright red legs.

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